Working with children: From pre-pregnancy to late adolescence
Two day course

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This CPD course...

  • is delivered: an online on-demand-video from a live course
  • is for: Nutritional therapy practitioners, nutritionists, dieticians, naturopaths, other health care providers and final year nutrition students interested in applying functional medicine approaches to health and well-being (i.e. exploring how nutrients, other foods and lifestyle factors influence the function of the body and how to apply findings in a person–centered manner that recognises individuals’ unique differences.)
  • is with: Dr Kirstie Lawton PhD, PGCE HE, ANutr, mBANT, mCNHC
  • spans: 10 hours recording time
  • provides: BANT CPD 10 hours, NNA CPD 10 hours

    This course is a 2-day overview of child health, from pre-pregnancy through to late adolescence, considering a variety of the health issues that practitioners will face when working with this cohort, with a particular emphasis on gut health, immune function and brain health. It will also consider the practicality and legality of working with this age group, and give consideration to safe guarding. Practitioners will learn about appropriate supplementation and supplement companies that offer ranges for the under 18’s. There will be plenty of case studies to support theory into practice, as well as recorded Q&A sessions, to allow attendees to gain clarity on topics discussed.

    The focus of this course is to understand the nutritional requirements of children, from conception through to the end of adolescence. The course will provide an overview of the nutritional requirements of children at each stage of development and will focus on several key health concerns identified in this age group. Advice will be provided on diet and lifestyle interventions and supplementation. Information will be provided on considerations of working with children including safeguarding and BANT guidance.

    Working with children can be challenging. Often practitioners lack confidence in communicating with children and their parents, and particularly, suggesting dietary changes and supplementation. This training is designed to talk practitioners through some of the more typical health concerns that we see in children, and provide support and guidance for how to support children through their younger years.

    This course will discuss nutritional requirements for optimum pregnancy, to support the embryo and foetus throughout pregnancy and birth. Following birth, we will consider how to ensure optimum nutrition and how to support neonates and infants who present with GI health concerns such as colic, constipation and gastrointestinal distress.

    It will consider picky eating and how to work with parents of children who are both underweight and overweight to optimize their child’s health outcomes. Continuing through childhood we will consider the immune system and how to support conditions such as asthma, allergic reactions and eczema.

    Moving into adolescence it will consider the impact of lifestyle on health and wellbeing, and consider mental wellness including stress, depression and anxiety, sleep, skin and hormonal health. We will briefly touch on neurodiversity.

    Finally, the course will explore how to work with children and adolescents, and what our responsibilities are as practitioners.



    What will I learn?

    By the end of the recording you will be able to:

    • Understand the nutritional needs of children at all ages.
    • Support children with a number of health conditions from birth until 19 years of age.
    • Learn key skills required for working with children such as meal planning, understanding growth charts and engaging children and parents.
    • Expand your knowledge of child friendly foods and safe and acceptable supplementation for this age group.
    • Understand your scope of practice and the legal requirements of you as a paediatric practitioner

    What is covered?

    Session 1: (Aprrox 1hr 25mins) Preparing for pregnancy

    • ION introductions and housekeeping
    • An introduction to the course
    • Supporting the foetus: pre-pregnancy and pregnancy
    • An introduction to immune function
    • Autism/ASD in utero
    • Q and A

    Session 2: (Approx 1hr 35mins)The first 6 months

    • Birth, birth weight, and health outcomes
    • The importance of the microbiome
    • Breast feeding v bottle feeding
    • Case study and Q and A discussion 

    Session 3: (Approx 1hr 45mins) Weaning, dietary needs and picky eating

    • Dietary needs through early childhood
    • Weaning 
    • Picky eating
    • Other considerations
    • Case study and Q and A discussion

    Session 4: (Approx 50mins) Infant GI health concerns

    • Colic
    • Constipation & diarrhea
    • Testing and supplementation
    • Case study and Q and A discussion
    • ION wrap up and thanks

    Session 1: (Approx 1hr 15mins) Child growth, underweight, overweight and obesity

    • ION introductions and housekeeping
    • Introduction to child growth and nutrient status 
    • Understanding growth charts 
    • Faltering growth
    • Overweight and obesity 
    • Guiding families 
    • Case study and Q and A discussion

    Session 2: (Approx 1hr 50mins) Immune health and children

    • What impacts immune function 
    • Allergies and intolerances 
    • Asthma
    • Eczema
    • Diabetes type 1 
    • Case study and Q and A discussion 

    Session 3: (Approx 1hr 55mins) Adolescent health

    • Adolescent requirements and key barriers
    • The importance of lifestyle factors - sleep, stress, socialization, and exercise 
    • Mental wellness and disordered eating (an overview)
    • Neurodiversity (an overview) 
    • Hormonal health, PMS and acne
    • Case study and Q&A discussion

    Session 4: (Approx 55mins) Considerations for working with children

    • Paperwork 
    • In clinic considerations 
    • BANT guidance: under 16’s
    • BANT guidance: 16 to 18 years 
    • LGBTQ+ terminology 
    • Supplementation and testing considerations 
    • Case study and Q&A discussion
    • ION wrap up and thanks 

    Who is leading the course?

    Dr Kirstie Lawton PhD, PGCE HE, ANutr, mBANT, mCNHC, DipION

    Dr Kirstie Lawton is an AfN registered Nutritionist and a BANT and CNHC registered Nutritional Therapist with a BSc Hons in Public Health Nutrition and a PhD in paediatric nutrition and dietary interventions from Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh. She also completed the 3 year ION diploma in Nutritional Therapy, and more recently, completed her PCGE in Higher Education through the University of London. 

    Kirstie has been a paediatric nutritionist for 22 years, and has worked both in the UK and internationally, as head of Childrens’ Health Initiatives for Edinburgh Community Food Initiative until 2007, as a researcher and advisor for various charities in Haiti, the Middle East and Africa, as Head of a nationwide Nutrition Department for adolescents and young adults in the United Arab Emirates from 2008-2017, and in her own clinic, You Nutrition, where she specialises in child, adolescent and young adult health in clinical areas such as gut, immune and brain health. In addition to clinical paediatric nutrition, Kirstie has a research interest in neurodegeneration. 

    Since its inception, she has been the module coordinator for 3 modules on the Graduate Diploma at ION (functional nutrition, gastrointestinal health and detoxification, and immune health), and teaches child health and clinical practice across all ION courses. She is on the Editorial Board for the Nutritional Medicine Institute and is also a health coach at Second Nature.

    How will I be taught?

    ION’s CPD courses reflect best practice for online teaching and learning practice.  This is an edited recording of a live course. It contains presentations interspersed with anonymised case study data, individual exercises and recorded Q&A sessions.

    How much does it cost and what’s included?

    • The course price is £190.00
    • PDF of Powerpoint(s)
    • Approx. 10 hours edited recording
    • You can access the course up to 16 times
    • BANT CPD 10 hours, NNA CPD 10 hours

    Important information

          About this on-demand recording

    • The speaker is not present on this recording and you will not be able to ask them questions but you will be able to see the recorded Q and A sessions.
    • This course was recorded in September 2023. All recordings are removed approximately one year after they are recorded so that we can ensure our courses contain up to date information. You will be able to access the course for at least 90 days and view it up to 16 times before the materials are taken down.

    How do I book?

    • Please check you have read ION’s FAQs including our cancellation and refund policy before booking
    • Click the "BOOK" button at the top or bottom of this page - you will be taken to our webinar platform 'Big Marker' to purchase your ticket.
    • Please ensure you use the same name and email to register, login and purchase tickets on our website and any partner platforms.

    Registration links and materials

    • You will be automatically sent a link to the course when you register. Please do not share this with anyone. This is set up to only allow entry to the first user that clicks it. Further links cannot be generated. 
    • Your booking confirmation email contains the password needed to access course materials (where applicable). Please type (rather than copying and pasting) this password when prompted and please ensure there are no spaces at the beginning or end. 
    • To download the course materials, click the HANDOUTS button in the video player (situated between the VOLUME and QUESTIONS buttons).  


    • Participation in an ION CPD course forms part of a practitioner's or individual's ongoing learning. It does not qualify a non-clinically trained practitioner or individual to work in a clinical setting. Individual’s boundaries of safe work, advice or practice are primarily determined by their formal qualifications and related personal insurance. 
    • This on-demand recording is recognised by BANT and NNA for 10 hrs CPD (applicable to BANT members only).
    • Non BANT and NNA registered practitioners may use this course for their CPD depending on the requirements and guidance of their professional body.
    • ION is not able to provide a certification of completion.

    If you have a queries, please email [email protected]
