Year 1

Nutrition Sciences 1

Biochemistry, physiology and internal anatomy | Introduction to the systems approach and using the Functional Medicine model | Role of nutrition science in an integrated approach to health | Introduction to academic literacy and academic integrity skills

Principles of Nutrition

An introduction to philosophies, principles and standards underpinning nutritional therapy practice | Food composition | Factors affecting food choice | Factors influencing the nutritional value of foods for individuals, throughout the life cycle | Dietary models | An introduction to reflective practice, and personal learning planning (PLP) | Developing academic integrity, and academic literacy skills

Nutrition Sciences 2

Biochemistry, physiology and internal anatomy | Systems approach using Functional Medicine model | Research skills development | Review of Functional Medicine approach

Clinical Analysis

An introduction to clinical practice using the Functional Medicine framework for paper-based case analysis in preparation for consultations | Dietary analysis and menu planning strategies for implementing evidence-based, safe and legal nutritional programmes | Communication skills | Development of reflective practice skills

Assessments you’ll have

Essay Plan | Mini essay | PowerPoint presentation with referenced notes | Essay | Case analysis | Reflection using a personal development plan



Year 2

Functional & Biochemical Imbalances

Impact of environmental factors on health and well-being | Epigenetic | Prevention, and management of environmental triggers and mediators | Further research skills development

Drug Nutrient Interactions

Drug/food/nutrient/herb interactions | Key principles of pharmacology (including pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, mechanisms of actions, and common side effects) | Use of pharmacopeia | Principles of nutraceutical posology | An introduction to herbal medicine | Underpinning knowledge and skills development for demonstrating safe and legal nutritional strategies in the clinical practice modules

Functional & Diagnostic Testing Concepts

An introduction to laboratory tests (diagnostic and functional), and visual & manual screening for nutritional status | Using these tools in nutritional therapy clinical practice to enhance the individualisation of management plans | Skills in how to use an evidence based approach to determine the usefulness of these tests and screens in clinical practice | Interpretation of results are developed further

Disordered Physiology

Aetiology and pathophysiology of common diseases and health conditions | Functional systems imbalances and their links to disease states, health conditions and symptoms | Differential Diagnosis | Nutritional and behavioural strategies | Evidence informed nutritional modulation and monitoring of chronic conditions | Breastfeeding, weaning, childhood diets | Communicating to clients and the public

Clinical Practice 1*

Practical application of clinical analysis | Communication skills | Exploring the client-practitioner relationship with consultation ‘role-play’ | Observation of professional NTs | Ethics and Performance | BANT Code of Professional Practice & CNHC | Code of Conduct | The Functional Medicine Framework | Personal Development Planning

Assessments you’ll have

Essay | Aide memoire | Clinic practical | Case study | Magazine article | Critique | Short answer tests | Reflective portfolio



Year 3

Nutritional Therapeutics

A critical exploration of nutritional therapeutic approaches to complex and boundaried health conditions | Using critical appraisal of research to stay ahead in a rapidly changing field

Functional & Diagnostic Testing

A critical understanding of laboratory tests available to Nutritional Therapists to determine selection of laboratories and test(s) | Interpretation of test results used in specific clinical situations

Practice Management

Prepare students or graduates to start their nutritional therapy or CAM business | Cover the practical skills needed for setting up and succeeding in business, as well as the ethical and legal requirements | Introduce students and graduates to the variety of opportunities that may be open to them

Clinical Practice 2*

Provide students with tools, skills and learning to become competent, lawful, safe and effective nutritional therapy practitioners who are able to practise with autonomy by achieving competency at the stated level and range of clinical practice defined in the NTC core curriculum and identified in the NOS | Develop students’ ability to reflect and engage in continual professional development | Contains compulsory supervised clinical practice

Assessments you’ll have

VIVA | Case study | Client report | Business plan | Website pages –ethics and legal practice | Portfolio of evidence | Critical literature review | Clinical practice competencies


Read more about the Nutritional Therapy Diploma Course


* A two-day block of attendance is required in Year Two and two three-day blocks of attendance are required in Year Three to develop your clinical practice skills