
This event...

  • is: Free!
  • is on: Viewable all-year round, on-demand
  • is for: Members of public, practitioners, students
  • is with: Lucinda Miller, Kate-Delmar-Morgan (host)
  • spans: 55 minutes

In conversation with...Lucinda Miller.

As part of our free webinar series, Kate Delmar-Morgan speaks to Lucinda Miller, a functional medicine practitioner, naturopath and author specialising in children’s health and neurodevelopment.

Come and hear about Lucinda’s journey, how the current situation has impacted the eating habits of children and parents in the UK, and Lucinda’s tips for using food to build children’s physical and mental resilience.



Who is this for?

  • Members of public
  • All health practitioners who work with clients
  • Student health practitioners

Who will host?

Kate is a registered Nutritional Therapist practicing in South West London. She qualified in 2006 with a first class Honours degree in Health Sciences: Nutritional Therapy.

With a special interest in learning disorders, Kate started working immediately with children and their parents through the Hyperactive Children’s Support Group and has been advising families in private practice ever since and she lectures in child nutrition at ION.

Kate also sits on the Professional Practice Committee for BANT with a role in upholding the standards of the Nutritional Therapy profession and is a BANT Accredited Supervisor running supervision groups for Nutritional Therapists. Kate was the founder and joint director of a nutrition consultancy working with schools & children for 6 years and she contributes to nutrition related articles for a number of publications.

How do I watch?

  • Click the booking link to be taken to our webinar platform
  • Fill out the registration form. Please provide correct booking details (name, email, etc) as these will be used to automatically send correspondence
  • If you'd like, please donate to our charity to help cover costs and support our mission to bring optimum nutrition to all
  • Check your email for your unique "view webinar" access link 
  • A robust internet connection is required and headphones, speakers or in-built speakers, etc
