

These regulations apply to all new student cohorts on courses leading to a Science Access qualification and/or Nutrition qualification with effect from 1st September 2019.

The Institute for Optimum Nutrition (ION) is an alternative Higher Education training provider accredited by the Nutritional Therapy Education Commission (NTEC). The qualifications awarded are ION qualifications.

ION nutritional therapy qualifications, and policies, regulations and procedures, are informed by the QAA’s UK Quality Code for Higher Education. This sets out expectations for academic standards, academic quality and information about higher education provision.

For individual students, who are either returning to their programme of study after an approved break or are transferring to a new/different programme, the regulations of the cohort to which they are returning will apply.

These regulations will be referenced in the documentation for each course of study, together with any specific requirements from professional or regulatory bodies.

In addition to these regulations, each course of study will have a Student Handbook containing procedures and requirements that are specific to that programme.

NB: For students registered before the 1st September 2019, the regulations on classification of award under which they originally registered will continue to apply.