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This CPD course...        

  • is delivered: As an online on-demand-video from a live course
  • is for: Nutritional therapy practitioners, nutritionists, dieticians, naturopaths, other qualified healthcare practitioners. Final year nutrition students will also be welcome. The course is centred on personalised nutrition, applying functional medicine approaches to health and well-being in an integrative manner for those affected by cancer
  • is with: Dr Carol Granger
  • spans: 15 hours recording time
  • provides: BANT CPD 15 hours; NNA 15 hours, NTOI 15 hours

It will provide safe, practical and evidence-informed nutritional support for people affected by cancer. Nutrition practitioners working with people diagnosed with cancer need to understand the range of treatments their clients may receive, and treatments have evolved considerably, from ‘mainstay’ treatments with chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. Newer targeted treatments, biological drugs and immunotherapy drug regimens are now widely used and these need to be understood by practitioners when developing their recommendations. 

Practitioners are required to have additional skills beyond their primary qualification, to meet the needs of working in this clinical field. Nutrition professionals also need to understand how to effectively communicate and collaborate with medical teams to support their clients in an integrative paradigm.

ION’s updated three-day course is designed to help practitioners gain confidence in working with clients affected by a range of cancers, and provides a foundation for further understanding and exploration. For those already working in this field it provides a detailed consolidation and update of knowledge and skills. Specific cases will be used to illustrate typical treatment regimens used in common cancers including colorectal, breast, ovarian and lung cancer, and melanoma. Evidence-informed practice for appropriate nutritional support alongside these treatments will be explored. 

Day 1 - Cancer pathophysiology, terminology and overview of treatment modalities

The first day of this intensive course for qualified practitioners will begin with a detailed focus on cancer as a disease process. We will frame this within the functional medicine model and begin to unpack the evidence around modifiable factors. We will then have an overview of treatment modalities as a foundation for detailed examination of their application. Finally, we will examine the position of registered nutritional therapy practitioners in the care of people affected by cancer.

Day 2 - Integrative nutrition and lifestyle support through the cancer journey alongside mainstay treatments

The second day of this intensive course for qualified practitioners will explore in detail the features and typical treatments of cancers affecting the digestive system and associated organs, and hormone driven cancers.  The support of clients affected by these cancers will be discussed using case studies. The emerging evidence on eating around chemotherapy will be explored.

Day 3 - Integrative nutrition support through the cancer journey alongside newer therapies

The final day of this intensive course for qualified practitioners will examine some common cancers that are treated with newer cancer treatments. We will explore examples of ovarian cancer, lung cancer and melanoma, and discuss the evidence for safe support of clients affected by these cancers, using case studies. We will conclude the day with a discussion on working effectively and collaboratively in the care of people affected by cancer.

Please see the What will be covered? section below for a full timetable for each day



What will I learn?

By the end of this recording you will have gained:

  • A deeper and more systematic understanding of cancer pathogenesis and development; the roles of inherited and modifiable factors; how diagnosis and treatment decisions are routinely made and a greater familiarity with routine oncology terminology.
  • An increased critical appreciation of current research in relation to dietary and lifestyle risk and protective factors for different cancers; mechanisms of action and implications for nutritional recommendations throughout the cancer journey.
  • An understanding of the use of mainstay cancer treatments of chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy, and the newer targeted and biological treatments including immunotherapy
  • A greater ability to apply evidence in the development of dietary recommendations, tests, and supplements for clients receiving different types of cancer treatments
  • A greater awareness and ability to consider elements of the therapeutic relationship including safety, legal, ethical issues, professional boundary setting; when to refer to other practitioners or medical professionals and how to develop effective medical collaborations.
  • A greater ability to analyse clinical cases more effectively and to communicate with oncology specialists.

What will be covered?

Session 1: (approx. 1hr 30 mins) Cancer pathophysiology, terminology and overview of treatment modalities

  • ION introductions and housekeeping 
  • Overview of cancer as a group of diseases:  What do current incidence and prevalence data tell us?
  • Cancer pathophysiology: Understanding genetic factors, inherited and acquired mutations, epigenetic modifications, changes in cell behaviour and tissues changes
  • Consolidation of learning with individual exercise
  • Understanding stem cell theory, tumour metabolic reprogramming, and tumour stages to metastasis.
  • Q and A

Session 2: (approx. 1hr 15 mins) The Role of the immune system and microbiome

  • The response of the immune system in malignancy
  • Modifiable factors in the cancer process – nutrition, exercise, environmental exposures, psychosocial factors
  • The role of the microbiome in cancer development and the treatment journey
  • Consolidation of learning with individual exercise
  • Q and A

Session 3: (approx. 1hr 12 mins) The Client’s Journey and treatment modalities

  • Understanding the Patient’s Journey.  Diagnosis, staging and grading,
  • Overview of treatment modalities – chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy
  • Q and A

Session 4: (approx. 1hr 10 mins) Medical treatment and the role of registered nutritional therapy practitioners

  • Principle of targeted drug treatments: targets within hormonal pathways and growth factor targets
  • Principles of immunotherapies: Key immune system targets
  • Medical perspective on complementary and ‘alternative’ treatments during cancer treatment. Barriers to practice and the role of registered nutritional therapy practitioners in integrative cancer care
  • Q and A

Session 1: (approx. 1hr 38 mins) Cancers in the gastrointestinal system, hepatobiliary system and pancreas

  • Understanding gastrointestinal, pancreatic and hepato-biliary tract cancers.
  • Case study of patient with colorectal cancer having treatment with chemotherapy and surgery. 
  • Diet as a modifiable cancer risk – evidence from epidemiology and cancer survivor studies
  • Microbiome niches and evolving knowledge around cancer initiation and progression
  • Case study exercise: Understanding food- derived carcinogens and protective agents. 
  • Q and A

Session 2: (approx. 1hr 15 mins) Supporting people with cancer in GI and hepatobiliary systems and pancreas 

  • Supporting patients through a treatment journey including chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy
  • Dietary factors influencing bowel recovery: Applying the evidence on dietary approaches
  • Safe supplementation before, during and after treatment with chemotherapy and surgery
  • Case study exercise: Developing long term support for a colorectal cancer survivor
  • Q and A

Session 3: (approx. 1hr 11 mins) Cancers driven by hormones

  • Hormone dependent cancers: Case study of a patient with oestrogen- driven breast cancer treated with surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormone therapy
  • Impact of obesity, adiposity and dysglycaemia on cancer pathogenesis
  • Contribution of specific dietary components as risk factors and protective factors and their interrelationship with sex hormones and metabolic hormones.
  • Critical review of trials targeting energy metabolism in breast cancer patients: Implications for supporting clients before, during and after treatment and beyond.
  • Evidence on intermittent fasting and time restricted eating during treatment
  • Q and A

Session 4: (approx. 1hr 10 mins) Support for people diagnosed with cancers driven by hormones

  • Understanding medical markers used for assessing hormonal factors and appropriate functional tests and nutrition modulation
  • Metabolic support: Evidence regarding nutritional support for metabolic health in people affected by cancer and principles of safe practice
  • Endocrine- modulating supplements. What are the mechanisms at play and what does the evidence tell us?  Clinical case study of a hormone-dependent cancer.
  • Case study exercise: Developing nutritional recommendations for long-term support through treatment and survivorship stages.
  • Q and A

Session 1: (approx. 1hr 38 mins) Understanding PARP inhibitors

  • Cancer of the ovary: Use of targeted PARP inhibitors. Case study of a patient with ovarian cancer receiving first-line chemotherapy and then Olaparib.
  • Integrative nutritional support during treatment to support tolerance and reduce side effects
  • The antioxidant paradox: Review of mechanisms and research concerning antioxidant supplementation
  • Implications for safe practice
  • Case study exercise using a peritoneal cancer case study.
  • Q and A

Session 2: (approx. 1hr 20 mins) Understanding kinase inhibitors 

  • Evolving treatment landscape with targeted therapies – medical treatment overview
  • Cancers of the lungs: Use of kinase inhibitors (KIs). Case study of lung cancer receiving EGFR-TKI
  • Cancer risk factors and the role of inflammation in cancer pathobiology
  • Understanding KI treatment side effects including skin changes and gastrointestinal distress
  • Integrative nutritional support during kinase inhibitor treatment to reduce side effects
  • Case study exercise using a lung cancer case study.
  • Q and A

Session 3: (approx. 1hr) Understanding checkpoint inhibitors 

  • Melanomas. Case study of advanced melanoma treated with checkpoint inhibitors
  • Mechanisms of action of checkpoint inhibitors
  • Evidence on the influence of the microbiome and diet on immunotherapy response
  • Integrative nutritional support during checkpoint inhibitor therapy
  • Q and A

Session 4: (approx. 1hr 55 mins) Working safely and collaboratively in the care of people affected by cancer

  • Supplement safety during immunotherapy
  • Health care professional roles and responsibilities in the context of cancer care and effective collaboration for patient safety: Key principles.
  • Reflective exercise on integrative nutrition in modern cancer care
  • Q and A
  • Explanation of case study assessment and timings
  • ION wrap up and thanks (5 mins)

Who is leading the course?

Dr Carol Granger DProf BSc(Hons) MSc MRSB CBiol FBANT

Carol is a BANT-registered nutritionist and CNHC Registered Nutritional Therapist, with 18 years in clinic practice and extensive experience of working with people affected by cancer. This area of clinical practice was the focus of her professional doctorate in health sciences from the University of Westminster. 

She is a chartered biologist with a degree in biochemistry and a Master’s in microbiology, and training in herbal medicine. She had two decades working in various healthcare roles including microbiology research, clinical diagnostics, medical technology and human tissue banking, before choosing to retrain in nutritional therapy. Carol is an independent contributor to a research collaboration on nutrition and cancer within the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). She also acts as an adviser to Penny Brohn UK, a leading charity providing the whole person approach to supporting people affected by cancer. Carol has also worked as consultant nutritionist to a collaboration with leading oncologists seeking to raise awareness of the importance of nutrition for people with a cancer diagnosis. 

Carol is a director and current Co-Chair of the British Society for Integrative Oncology (BSIO) and is Co-Chair and trustee of the Research Council for Complementary Medicine (RCCM). She teaches on several nutritional therapy courses at degree and Master’s level, and for 10 years was the Chair of NTEC, the accreditation body for training in nutritional therapy

How will I be taught?

ION’s CPD courses reflect best practice for online teaching and learning practice. This is an edited recording of a live course. It contains presentations interspersed with anonymised case study data, individual exercises and recorded Q&A sessions.

How much does it cost and what’s included?

The course price is £285.00. It is developed as a three day course. It is not possible to purchase single days.

  • PDF of PowerPoints
  • Approx. 15 hours edited recording
  • You can access the course up to 18 times.
  • BANT CPD 15 hours, NNA CPD 15 hours, NTOI 15 hours

What’s not included in the price?

This course is also certified by the Nutritional Therapy Education Commission (NTEC), the professional body that accredits professional training.

NTEC awards CPD Course Certification for training that consolidates and develops the specialist skills of qualified practitioners for those who are seeing clients (either final year students or fully qualified practitioners). If you additionally wish to gain NTEC certification for this course, you must also complete and pass a formal assessment of learning (approx. 8-12 hours of work) after the course to demonstrate not just participation in the course but also that you have internalized and reflected on the content. 

Further detail about this will be given at the end of day three and you will have a few days to decide whether you would like to undertake the assessment or not. You will be given approximately two months to complete the assessment. The cost is £105 (non-refundable) in addition to the core course cost. There are two submission points in 2024 - 

There will be the option of participating in completing the second assessment as per BANT requirements and in which case two case studies will be offered to participants. These are aligned with the case study format required by BANT for listing 'Cancer' as one of the Health Concerns for BANT Practitioner Search. This demonstrates that the practitioner has completed cancer specific training post-qualification to work with people with suspected cancer diagnosis or a diagnosis of cancer. Successful completion of one case study is required for NTEC certification. Participants may complete both case studies, each will be assessed and feedback given.

Irrespective of whether you choose to undertake this assessment, you are still able to use your CPD hours for your CPD logs.

Taking the assessment costs £105 and is non- refundable. Tuesday April 30th, the second submission is Wednesday 29th May.

For further information on BANT requirements please contact BANT directly or log into the members area here

For further information, please contact [email protected]

Important information

   About this on-demand recording

  • The speaker is not present on this recording and you will not be able to ask them questions but you will be able to see the recorded Q and A sessions.
  • This course was recorded in November 2023. All recordings are removed approximately one year after they are recorded so that we can ensure our courses contain up to date information. You will be able to access the course for at least 90 days or view it up to 18 times before the materials are taken down.


  • Please check you have read ION’s FAQs including our cancellation and refund policy before booking
  • Click the "BOOK" button at the top or bottom of this page - you will be taken to our webinar platform 'BigMarker' to purchase your ticket for the three days. It is not purchase individual days for this course.
  • Please ensure you use the same name and email to register, login and purchase tickets on our website and any partner platforms.

Registration links and materials

  • You will be automatically sent a link to the course when you register. Please do not share this with anyone. This is set up to only allow entry to the first user that clicks it. Further links cannot be generated.
  • Your booking confirmation email contains the password needed to access course materials (where applicable). Please type (rather than copying and pasting) this password when prompted and please ensure there are no spaces at the beginning or end.
  • To download the course materials, click the HANDOUTS button in the video player (situated between the VOLUME and QUESTIONS buttons). 


  • Participation in an ION CPD course forms part of a practitioner's or individual's ongoing learning. It does not qualify a non-clinically trained practitioner or individual to work in a clinical setting. Individual’s boundaries of safe work, advice or practice are primarily determined by their formal qualifications and related personal insurance.
  • This on-demand recording is recognised by BANT for 15 hrs CPD (applicable to BANT members only)
  • Non BANT /NNA/NTOI registered practitioners may use this course for their CPD depending on the requirements and guidance of their professional body.
  • ION is not able to send out a copy of a certification of completion

If you have a queries, please email [email protected] 
