
Christmas is a time when many of us tend to indulge; whether it's at the office Christmas party or a meal out with friends. And although an occasional indulgence isn’t a bad thing, employing some moderation is important. When it comes to alcohol, here are our tips for finding a balance.

1) Stay hydrated

Sometimes we mistake thirst for hunger and will turn to the mince pies and sausage rolls to fill the gap. Note: herbals teas and water count, alcoholic festive tipples do not - no matter how delicious they are! If we hydrate ourselves before going on a night out, we’re also less likely to overdo the booze because we’re thirsty. 

2. Alternate your drinks

Order a glass of water with or between each alcoholic drink to help curb overall alcohol intake and reduce the chances of waking up with a hangover the next morning.

Try these three non-alcohol drinks recipes.

Sometimes we mistake thirst for hunger and will turn to the mince pies and sausage rolls to fill the gap

3. Make good alcohol choices

Alcoholic drinks can make a significant contribution to the calorie excesses at Christmas, and that includes the mixers that might be added too. DrinkAware has a useful calculator that lets you keep track of how many units and calories you have consumed.


4. Beware of festive hot drinks

Beware of festive coffees made with whipped cream and syrups – they might taste nice but they also pack a sugary punch. Make them an occasional treat rather than a daily habit.

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