Since January 2014 registration with CNHC is a necessary requirement for all BANT practising members.


If you graduated from ION, Raworth, BCNH or Thames Valley University (TVU) between 2001-2009 and you are not currently on the CNHC register you may have to complete a full or guided portfolio (depending on college and year of graduation) to show that you have developed the knowledge to cover areas not covered by your course.

For those graduates completing guided portfolios, ION has developed three CPD packs to address these gaps in your learning.

The packs are web based with written slides and audio to suit all learning styles. After completing the CPD pack, you will need to submit a short piece of reflective writing for each area you are required to cover (circa 500 words), along with the other requirements for the guided portfolio.


Appropriate for students graduating:





Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics

2001 - 2009

2003 - 2009

2006 - 2009

2006 - 2009

Micronutrients as it relates to Phytonutrients

2001 - 2005

2001 - 2005

Health Functional Status & Wellbeing

2001 - 2005

2001 - 2005



See  CPD requirements guided portfolio for full details.

N.B. Additional CPD requirements may be required for Raworth, BCNH and UWL/TVU. Please consult BANT guidelines.


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